The police officers

How to historically study the policeman, as an individual and as a social group?

The police historian can use the classic tools of biography and prosopography, take into account age variables, of social origin, level of education or gender. The question of the historical integration of minorities and women in the police professions constitutes an important point of historiography..

The diversity of fonts according to place and time requires special attention to the different typologies of fonts and to the movement of individuals between the different corps.. In a profession marked by a high turnover and by the frequent recomposition of organizational charts, rebuilding careers can be complex. Studies on entering a police force, just like the one on the exit, also show the close proximity to other professions related to administration, to justice or the use of force. The link between the police and the army, for example, is often proven, except when the military model serves as a foil.

The professionalization of police forces is by no means a linear and simultaneous historical process in the world. It refers to the study of training methods, the emergence of police academies as well as the requirement of physical qualities, intellectual and moral on the part of police personnel. Internal discipline of bodies, the police control methods, punishments and dismissals, rewards and promotions are part of the daily life of policies.

Finally, it is also a question of historically observing the relationship between man, its function and the institution. First, remembering that this report has a geographical aspect: are members of the security forces confined? Do they live near the area where they perform their duties? Where are they from? Ensuite, you have to be aware that, according to the body, the concept of "service" can be established as a permanent requirement or be well delimited in time. How the policeman behaves when he is not on duty? What are his hobbies or distractions, any other professional occupations, his family and friendships? Is he integrated into other social circles than his colleagues?