Map of Europe

Here is the map of the Belgian gendarmerie brigades. Feel free to zoom in and see it in full screen. When you click on a brigade, additional information appears. The data it contains is as follows :

  • Brigade location,
  • Reference from the State Archives,
  • Address (street only),
  • Country,
  • The territorial group to which the brigade belonged in 1966 and in 1977 respectively,
  • The district to which it belonged respectively in 1966 and in 1977.

The brigades represented on the map are not all gendarmerie brigades – these are only the brigades for which we have visual material and will be the subject of a virtual tour.

The map is still under construction. This example is a case study on the province of Hainaut (n=49). Data from other Belgian provinces, as well as international data, will be added in the coming months.